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The most reliable five wire resistive touch technology


  Five wire resistive touch screen product features:

  High durability:

  The entire series of five wire resistors are produced using a high-temperature process above 500 ℃. Its unique feature is that the key material ITO conductive glass and silver paste circuit are made and strengthened through a high-temperature tunnel furnace



  The circuit of the resistor is fused with the glass at high temperature, with strong adhesion and is not easily peeled off due to temperature difference expansion and contraction.

  Electrical characteristics: Impedance values and linearity that affect performance are more stable in environments with temperature differences.

  The strength of glass is enhanced by high temperature changes, similar to the effect of physical strengthening glass.

  The use of welding between FPC and line bridging significantly improves reliability.

  High applicability

  The operation method is flexible and flexible, and can be used for hands, any gloves, or touch pens.

  High reliability

  Not easily touched by mistake

  High stability

  Anti environmental interference, not limited by external conditions such as electricity and water

  Action principle and product structure

  The composition material of the high-temperature process Gtouch five wire resistive touch screen is the same as that of the four wire resistor. It is composed of a layer of conductive film (ITO Film) and a layer of conductive glass (ITO Glass), and the two are also insulated with Spacer Dots. The difference between the Gtouch five wire resistance in the high-temperature process is that both the X-axis and Y-axis are crystallized on the glass surface, and the upper ITO film only serves as a grounding function. The X-axis and Y-axis are respectively wired from the four corners of the action area, and a positive voltage is introduced to form a circuit with the grounding wire. The voltage value is also given to form a uniform electric field, and the coordinate position is detected through calculation. The five wire resistor product designed based on this architecture has critical differences in durability and reliability compared to four wire resistor products, as its main X-axis or Y-axis circuit is not on the outermost thin film, but is sintered on glass through a high-temperature process.

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